Friday, May 29, 2009

Navy Notes

Today Brittney called from Pensacola, Florida very excited that her orders have come through. She's going to spend the next year at Pensacola as a "plowback" in the airtraffic controller training school.
She will also move out of the barracks into a place of her own, hopefully on base, (hint, hint if you read this Britt).

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cameron turns 5!

Monday was not only Memorial Day, but also Cameron's 5th birthday. We enjoyed lots of food and a Scooby Doo cake too!

Cody tried his hand at rowing.

We took advantage of the beautiful weather to once again visit the lake for some swimming, fishing and kayaking.
Carter really likes the cake.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday afternoon at the lake.

Today was opening day at the lake. Kelsey decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and do some interesting diving moves while the boys went fishing. Cameron caught his first fish of the season and Cody caught about 5 bluegill and two bass.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here we go!

After watching so many other people taking advantage of the web to show off their kids, we decided it was our turn!