Today was the first day of the new school year. Judging from the happy faces, the kids must have been glad summer was over.
Cody’s first day of high school.
Kelsey goes to junior high.
Cameron is ready for kindergarten.
Keeping up with the Stones in Ohio. See what Mark and Shelly's family is up to these days.
Today was the first day of the new school year. Judging from the happy faces, the kids must have been glad summer was over.
Cody’s first day of high school.
Kelsey goes to junior high.
Cameron is ready for kindergarten.
Sad but true, the final day has arrived and I finally made it out in the morning for a few sunrise shots. the beach is very peaceful when it is sparsely populated; a few other early risers also made the most of the morning.
Later we spent our last minutes at the beach making the most of our memories with the boys digging, water fights and other fun.
Almost the end of vacation and we spent as much time at the beach as we could. One bonus today was the dolphins that were swimming by for about a half hour. Getting them to hold still for a photo was almost impossible though.
After the beach and a waterspout or two,
we went to the pier and leaned on the rail while watching for sea-life.
Today Cody and I went fishing at Murrells Inlet just south of Myrtle Beach. We got there at low tide but began getting bites as the water level rose. I caught this flounder and a pinfish while Cody, unfortunately only caught this ugly creature called an oyster toadfish.
Later we all went to Broadway at the Beach where Cameron braved the mighty dragon that rises from the mini golf castle and breathes fire. Last year Cameron was afraid of the dragon but this year was sure to let passers-by that the dragon was, in fact, a robot.
Today started out beautiful and a little warm. We went to the beach and were thinking of going to a nearby pier to catch the sea-life when a storm rolled in. So, against The Weather Channel’s advice, we sat out on the deck and watched the storm pass around us and took a few pics of it.
More kids having fun at the beach. Notice the paparazzi following my kids around!
So…what does this stuff taste like anyway?
It’s time for our annual vacation to Myrtle Beach with our friends, Jim & Cathy and their kids Chris and Josh. Every year on the way to the beach we stop at the Shot Tower in Virginia where the kids get their picture taken. Below are pictures from last year at the bottom and this year on top. This is Carter’s first year at the beach, last year was Cameron’s first.