Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camping with a tent?

For the first time the Stones went camping in a tent. We traveled the whole one mile from home to spend the night at Crystal Lake with a few other members to see if we could stand each other inside a nylon shell while sleeping on the ground. Aside from the many spiders the kids found inside our tent, all went well.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Safety Town

Today was graduation from Safety Town. After a week of learning about fire, playground, gun safety and "stranger danger", Cameron proudly graduated.

Carter decided to join his brother at the playground too!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Summer Swim Meet

Today was the first swim meet of the summer league. Kelsey placed first in each heat she swam in, having an excellent start to the season. She was very pleased to take quite a lead in the butterfly, pictured here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Last Day Of School

Tuesday was the last day of school here in our town. Kelsey had field day and enjoyed activities including potato sack races and lots of other fun activities.

Cameron had graduation from Preschool also. I'm sure he'll miss his teachers and friends this summer, but he is excited about Kindergarten as well.

Kelsey came home from school very proud of her 4.0 GPA! We too, are very proud of her hard work with swimming and academics.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cameron goes fishing.

This weekend Cameron went fishing with dad in a boat for the first time. Cameron caught a few bluegills and spent a little time on the swings too. Kelsey spent a little time in the water too.